Miss India runners up, Diana Hayden, born year 1973 went on to win the Miss Word crown in the year 1997 in what were the golden days of Indian beauty queens,The charm that made her the most beautiful woman of the world in 1997 and all set to scorch the silver screen now had even aged women thrusting their shopping bags into the hands of their husbands and pushing through the crowd, not to forget the guys who stood in a corner and clicked the beauty on their mobile phones.
Hayden's movie `debut' (she had a guest appearance in `Tehzeeb' already) would be followed by her small screen debut as well on Saturday through AXN's new 30-minute show, `Hong Kong Bollywood Odyssey,' in which Hayden played anchor,fter ‘Bigg Boss 2', Diana Hayden seems to have developed a thing for reality shows,The latest is that she has agreed to play a mentor to young teenage girls on a new reality show.

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